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BitComet 0.88

25/05/2007, 01:46, Автор: admin

Вышла новая версия программы BitComet. Клиент для Peer 2 Peer сети BitTorrent. Обладает куда более удобным интерфейсом, чем стандартный BitTorrent, имеет ряд полезных настроек, предварительный просмотр загружаемого видео, поддержка DHT, поиск по средствам нескольких крупных порталов, статистика и прочие удобства.

Некоторое время назад у программы были проблемы с некоторыми трэкерами. На данный же момент ситуация выправилась. Пользователям P2P сети BitTorrent рекомендуется приглядеться. Весьма качественный продукт.


Список изменений:
GUI Improved: add an option to verify login password at program startup in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: add default task related info pane option in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: add an option to set Bitcomet as default IE download tool in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: add an option to enable torrent share in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: open BCTP link dialog replaced by open BC link dialog, which can create HTTP/FTP/BT task from BC link
GUI Improved: add "copy BC link to clipboard" command to task list context menu, with hotkey Ctrl+C
GUI Improved: add snapshot number column in task list
GUI Improved: add tooltip to display detail task status info when mouse hover on task icon in task list
GUI Improved: add tooltip to display upload rate, left time, health when mouse hover on download rate, progress, seed number
GUI Improved: upload rate, left time, health will not display in task list by default (can be shown in View menu)
GUI Improved: when task stopped, task can be renamed even if task is not completed
GUI Improved: double click to download torrent file in peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add popular column in peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: new icon and tooltip to designate whether the torrent has been downloaded or shared by me in peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add auto-refresh checkbox in toolbar of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add share-all checkbox in toolbar of my shared torrent list
GUI Improved: improve statistic pane display effect
GUI Improved: add save file already exist check when open torrent file to create new BT task
GUI Improved: able to save files to UNC path of shared folder in network during HTTP/BT downloading
GUI Improved: add warning prompt if save file large than 4GB to non-NTFS volume when create HTTP/BT task
GUI Improved: add balloon prompt on disk full error during HTTP/BT downloading
GUI Improved: add prompt dialog to close program and send error report when program is not responding
GUI Improved: add context menu to WAN IP detect light in status bar of main window
GUI Improved: remove some infrequent options in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: floating window remember its postion and size automatically

GUI Bugfix: unfinished tasks will not auto-start at program startup if BitComet is not closed normally before shut down computer
GUI Bugfix: average download rate in task summary pane is cleared after BT task stopped
GUI Bugfix: comment number and snapshot number in shared torrent list is not refreshed in time
GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after sort shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: text in toolbar of shared torrent list and passport pane is displayed incorrectly after switch display resolution
GUI Bugfix: refresh of peer shared torrents list lead to high CPU usage

Core Bugfix: program crash in some condition Скачать: BitComet_0.88_setup.exe 4.41 MБ
обмен файлами, закачка
Источник: //www.slo.ru

+1 баллов | Голосов: 1 | Просмотров: 164085

Постоянный адрес | Распечатать

Материалы по теме:
BitComet 1.40
BitTorrent 7.6
BitTorrent 8.0 Alpha
BitTorrent 7.0
eMule 0.50a
Файлы дня: Путешествие Кассандры. Пророчества Нострадамуса, BitTorrent-6.1.1.exe, 2 Unlimited - Delight
uTorrent 1.8.2

Всего комментариев: 0

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