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WinZip WinZip 15.0.9411 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - W - WI
 Имя файла: winzip150.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 20 153 672 байт (19.22 MБ)
 Добавлен: 06/11/2010 | Закачан: 09/08/2020
 Обновился: 25/03/2011
 5 512 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот WinZipWinZip is the world leader in file compression, file encryption, file sharing, and data backup. With a brand new, high-performance zip engine, a streamlined user interface, an innovative desktop gadget, and increased email support, this latest release--WinZip 15--makes it even easier to zip/unzip files for fast, efficient, and secure uploading/downloading, emailing, and storage. Simply drag files onto the new desktop gadget to instantly zip and save, zip and email, or unzip virtually any compressed file. WinZip lets you create Zip, LHA, and Zipx files--our smallest Zip files yet. You can also open and extract content from the industry's widest selection of compressed file types, including Zip, Zipx, RAR, 7Z, BZ2, LHA, CAB, IMG, ISO, and many others. WinZip also provides advanced photo/image compression. With a single click, you can compress your digital photographs and graphic images by 20-25% with no loss of quality! Need to protect confidential information? WinZip offers strong AES encryption to help you secure sensitive data. Password-protect your files as you zip them, all in one easy step! Did you know that zipped files are ideal for sharing information? Use WinZip to organize your data into small, logical groups that are perfect for distribution. In addition, WinZip 15's easy Zip and E-mail tools let you zip, encrypt, and email a file without having to open any other applications. WinZip 15 includes extensive support for most email and webmail applications. Once configured, you can zip and email files from virtually any email address you use. Need help backing up your work? WinZip Pro's file compression technology is extended to an automated data backup facility to help you prevent data loss. Apply WinZip Pro's preset backup jobs or create your own. Burn your backup data to CD/DVD or network drive, email it off site, or upload it to an off-site server using the built-in FTP client. Save space and time, and keep your digital world safe--get WinZip 15 today!
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Изменения в последней версии:
This release builds upon the WinZip performance architecture, delivering further zipping enhancements and other important updates.

Материалы по теме:
WinZip 15

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Слово Закона: Маска смерти. Коллекционное издание
Слово Закона: Маска смерти. Коллекционное изданиеГород взбудоражен чередой загадочных убийств. Дело в том, что убийца покрывает тела своих жертв гипсом и придает им форму скульптуры. Полиция находит внутри скульптур записки. Кому же мстит убийца и сколько еще потенциальных жертв в его списке, вам и предстоит выяснить. Соберите на многочисленных локациях полезный инвентарь, решите десятки каверзных головоломок и соберите как можно больше улик, чтобы вывести преступника на чистую воду. ЗакачатьЗакачать
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